Taylor’s Story

I grew up with an affinity for animals from a young age. I always had rescue dogs and eventually attended college in Miami, where my hobbies quickly developed into rescuing stray animals (some great stories for another time). After my college roommates adopted two dogs, I became the go-to dog sitter and novice trainer for all of my friends. I was frequently seen walking 3+ dogs in my college neighborhood and absolutely loved it.

After graduating from the University of Miami with a degree in Business Management and Business Law, I went into the corporate world while volunteering for an animal rescue. A few years after college, I adopted my own bully mix, Winston. Winston quickly proved to be a high-energy, high-drive, intense dog living with me in the heart of Boston. 

After working with multiple trainers and training styles, I eventually discovered the world of relationship and balanced training.  A lightbulb went off in my head while I was searching for a trainer for my own dog. Often times seeking help out at larger name facilities felt unpersonalized and overwhelming. I didn’t find success until I dedicated myself to transforming my relationship and handling abilities with Winston.

Most recently, I’ve have the privilege of building my skillset by studying under world renowned dog behaviorist, Cheri Wulff Lucas. Additionally, I have studied the Jentle Method™ and attended hands on workshops run by PackLife LA, Jay Jack, and Larry Krohn. After honing in on my own training style, I want to be able to share my personal experience and knowledge with more dog owners. I left the corporate world to work as an apprentice trainer until I launched the Taylored Dog. I feel passionately about empowering owners first and foremost on how to improve their relationship and properly fulfill their dogs physically and mentally.

Taylor’s Training Philosophy

I ultimately believe that owners need to learn how to communicate with their dog more effectively. My training philosophy always begins with educating the owner on how to implement house structure, boundaries, the relationship between the human & dog, and breed appropriate physical & mental exercise. Structure taps into a dog’s inherent instinct of being a pack animal while relationship is the foundation of training your dog. Obedience and relationship can blend beautifully together, but so often I see owners focus solely on obedience and feel stuck. Imagine how much farther you could get with your dog if you worked on your dog’s trust and respect within you?

Overall, my goal is to empower owners to guide their dog to make better decisions. Training is an avenue to freedom for you and your dog.

After studying many styles, I have found the most sustainable success in offering guidance and leadership rather than quick fix styles that have become increasingly popular at the expense of the dog. Dog training is a game of discipline, consistency, patience, and connection.